7 weeks to 2018

7 weeks to 2018

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5 Second Rule

5 Second Rule

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Uninterrupted Play

Uninterrupted Play

In a world awash with digital notifications and screens clamoring for attention, even adults struggle to focus. Imagine a child's experience—each day brimming with new wonders, yet marred by the constant tug of technology. As my son immerses in the art of painting, a premature praise can snatch him from his creative cocoon. It's a delicate balance, fostering their growth without succumbing to the allure of a digital pacifier. True development, it seems, thrives in the quiet moments of play, undisturbed, where a child's focus can flourish, unencumbered by the screen's hypnotic gaze.

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Why Talking to Your Baby is Important

Why Talking to Your Baby is Important

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Choose your words Wisely

Choose your words Wisely

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Building Strong Characteristics in Children

Building Strong Characteristics in Children

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Immune Booster

Immune Booster

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Give All of you

Give All of you

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Everything Happens twice

Everything Happens twice

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Healthy Cells

Healthy Cells

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