Healthy Gut - Healthy Life

Healthy Gut - Healthy Life


All disease begin in the Gut 

One famous line by Hippocrates is "All disease begin in the Gut". It was no metaphor when he said that. It literally does begin in the gut. This also aligns with what you may hear often "You are what you eat".


If our digestion health is not functioning well then nothing will function well. Always check your gut/digestion health. People's hormones, thyroid, immune system, brain functionality is directly correlated with the health of your gut.

We can control our genes and future generation if we start to take care of our gut.. live healthy and pass it forward :)


About 64 million people in North America's biggest complains are bloatedness, constipation, stomach pain, etc... simple symptoms to check into the gut but no one thinks of checking the gut health. Even every day symptoms - headaches, exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, joint and muscle pain are related to the gut health. Big red flags if the gut is not healthy are skin disorders like acne, solaris, eczema, 


Third biggest symptom is insomnia. When the gut is taken care of we can sleep better. Our mental and emotional state is correlated with the gut as well.


The model for cellular healing is all about the microbiomes (all your gut bacterial, fungus, bugs, etc).


Fun Fact: We have 10 times more microbial than we have human cells, we are more microbial then we are human... pretty interesting huh?


We have 7 different micro biomes: skin, nose/sinuses, mouth, the in between (anywhere there is bacteria) and it goes all the way to the lungs, intestines, to the genitals,


If you heal the gut micro biome then the other 6 will take care of itself. Its like the main processing system (like a computer that as a fast processing system, everything runs smoothly).


As can be seen from the attachment below, different pathogens causes different diseases. Keeping these pathogens away will help stay healthy


In the world of pharmaceuticals and medicines, we are dealing with something known as antibiotic resistance, where antibiotics are not working as well as it used to, so we have to take more and more and stronger dosage.


We have three types of bacteria: good, bad and neutral bugs.

Good ones (symbiotic): they act as the pillar, they will build the wall, they will look out for the others, contribute to long lasting health. We want about 85 to 90% good bacterial.


Bad (pathogenic micro biomes): think of pathology (study of disease). So if we really understand them we can cut down on diseases. We need them, about 10-15% bad bacteria, so that our immune system stays strong and alert and knows when to attack and protect us. Although we need a bit of the bad bacteria, we need to be aware when the bad bacteria start to take over. Things start to get bad when the bad bacteria occupies 30 to 80%.


Neutral (comensal bacteria) - They are in the middle and gets influenced by either the good ones or bad ones. Thats why its important to have a higher percentage of good bacteria so the neutral ones gets influenced by them instead of the bad. That way the neutral can help with good digestion health.


When we have everything balanced then we have a highly intelligent and skilled immune system.


I have been doing a lot of research lately on the gut health and I noticed from several different articles a lot of people reversed their disease or sickness just by improving their gut health. 


5 step strategy to gut healing by Christy Orrecchio

1) Diet - we have to reduce inflammation. We need to get rid of common food sensitivities. Such as gluten, corn, processed food, soy, diary, eggs.. these are the 5 most common food sensitivities that most people have.


2) We have to feed the gut enzymes, to give them a break and heal. We use enzymes to help digest better. Also enzymes help support biofilm. Biofilm is like a pouch that all the bad bacteria go in and hide. Thats why we have developed antibiotic resistance because all those bad bacterias go in there and hide and it gets harder to break into them, its like a bullet proof vest. They get to stay protected and safe.

Hydrolytic enzyme helps to break into these biofilm walls, breaking apart the chemical bonds helps breaks the protective fort. This way we can move into the pathogen bacteria and get them out of the body. 

It is good to know your food sensitivities and get them out of your diet, they will thin out the stomach lining. Also it is good to cut out sugar, corn, canola, while we are cleansing the gut.

Eat a healthy dose of vegetables, fruits, fibers, etc. Have a balanced diet.


3) Take probitocs, and help your body create new healthy ones from here on. When you take probiotic make sure it has these 3 in it: Lactobacillus, bifidobacterium, bacillus.  There are thousands of different strand of bacteria, we need to teach our body to make new ones from the healthy ones. Taking the ones with the listed 3 above, will help make new ones.

Create a healthy intestinal lining... heal the lining of the gut. This in turn relates to brain health. Anything that escapes the gut will end up in the blood stream which will end up in your brain. A lot of things should not be escaping the gut.

After this step, people start to feel better, they start reversing whatever they are struggling from.


4) Optimize HCL (hydrochloric acid) - When we eat meat, especially red meat our body secrets HCL to help digest the meat. Many people are low on stomach acid (HCL) which is our first line of defence to protect us. If you have any pathogens in your food, we want it to be broken down so it doesn't enter the blood stream (our body). When the body has low HCL then it cannot really do that all the time, this is how sometimes some of the pathogens escapes into the blood stream.

5) terraforming - creating sustainable and habitable life. Give your body fermented food, continue with the probiotics and give lots of good fibers, this in return will feed the good bacteria. This creates a self sufficient digestive system.

This will help train your body and help keep attracting those extra strains of bacteria you need to keep you healthy.


This is when metabolic syndromes start to get reversed, balances the blood sugar level, healthy weight loss, etc. This is when you start seeing true change in your health. This can be done at ANY age. Its never too late.

This is when you get to enjoy the 80/20 balance. 80% of the time follow a healthy eating lifestyle. 20% of the time you can cheat or if your out you don't have to feel bad eating processed food. Enjoy your food instead of being afraid of it.


I know this was a lot of information. After doing hefty research on the stomach and gut and its bacteria, I learnt so much. I thought I'd share it with you. 

Lets get cleanin' ;)


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