Build your baby's focus and attention

Build your baby's focus and attention

Build & Improve your Baby's Attention with these 7 Methods


It is so easy to get distracted these days. When I was growing up, everything was more hands on (90s), we went out to play, made a spaceship out of card box with our imagination, and played for hours. A lot of children does not get that kind of experience these days. They are kept busy with a tablet or smart phone. Technology is not a bad thing if it is used properly... to teach instead of distract.


It does give me a moment of sanity when I need to get something done, but I really try to get my son to play more with his imagination. I try to get him more hands on with arts and crafts. I take him to the park as often as I can, that way he can play outdoors and with other children.


To help children work more on their focus, attention, imagination and creativity, try to implement the following as much as you can:


1) - Minimal Entertainment and Stimulation: babies follow a routine that is set out for them, they will start to expect entertainment instead of exploring their surrounding which comes naturally to them. Constant stimulation leads to an easily bored child and over stimulated child. A lot of research shows that babies does not get bored, we parents do. To a baby everything is new, moving their body parts, all the things they are seeing, touching, smelling, etc. They need uninterrupted time explore all of their senses and surroundings, which we adults take more granted... but it is a whole new world for children.


2) - No TVs or Videos: TV and videos hinder a child's developing attention span the most because they engage and overwhelm a child’s focus rather than encouraging the child to actively flex his concentration muscle. Think of yourself, when you're out with your friends and there are TV screens, our attention always goes to the TV or our telephone screens. You can read more about the effects of TV in the book "Endangered Minds".

**I have been guilty on this subject :( For those of you who have read my other posts knows that. My son does not like to eat, when he was younger it was even more difficult. I used youtube ever now and then to get him to eat. We all learn and sometimes got to do what we got to do :s


3) - Simple, open-ended toys & objects: Children tend to examine every bit of a toy before getting tired of it. They can spend a long time examining a simple plastic car that makes no noise at all. They were touch it to feel the texure, smell it, taste it by putting it in their mouth, shake it to see if anything moves or makes sound, put it on top of their head to see if it balances, throw it on the ground to see if it breaks and if so whats inside of it. They examine every bit of it. They can get tired of toys that they watch, listen to, have only a single function such as a rattle, wind up toys. These toys steals the child’s attention instead of strengthening the ability to actively focus and investigate, kind of the way TV and videos do.


4) - Safe,"Yes" Place: For a baby to be busy for a long enough time, they have to have a safe place to play and explore. Have a specific play area for them, where you the parents will not be afraid of them hurting themselves... where you don't have to constantly say "no", "don't do that", "don't touch that". When we say "no" every too often, babies/children cannot play in a relaxed state for a long period of time, as we are constantly interrupting them by saying "no" (we mean well, we don't want them to get hurt, thats why a place where we parents can relax is a perfect environment).


5) - Children gets to choose: Children likes to be in control, they are more interested in the things they choose vs. the things we choose for them. Hence, when children are playing something they decided to play in their safe play area, let them focus on that. We parents ofcourse want the best for them, and I have been guilty in this as well, where I will ask him to play with me a puzzle or read a book.... because we focus on the learning aspect. But stop for a moment, realize and accept that everything is new for them, so they are learning from anything they choose to do. Kids who get a lot of opportunities to focus for extended amount of time on activities they choose are better able to hold their attention longer, even when later in school the activities are decided by adults.


6) - Don't interrupt. Just watch: When you really observe a baby, and pay close attention, you will notice that they are not just lying there doing nothing. Their gaze might be on a shadow, or the sun ray seeping through the blinds. They are analyzing everything and anything, it's so mesmerizing and new to them (something we adults take it for granted). 

Every time we interrupt our baby we actually discourage their concentration stream (I am sure we mean no harm, we might find him/her super cute and want to take a picture, or go tickle them, or kiss them). Wait for the right time to engage with them, when you observe them you will notice a break in his/her trance. It could be when the baby's attention went from staring at the sun rays to gaze at you, or when they are gazing around for something else to be observed. At that time you can go in and play with him or change him, this way his train of thoughts are not interrupted. 


7) - Don't encourage distraction: Let me start of this section by saying I am very guilty of this. Distracting my son to feed him, to change him. When I was researching how to increase focus on a toddler and I read this, it blew my mind... it made sense. I felt really bad because I was blaming myself for discouraging my son's concentration. But you know what? It is not too late, you can train the focus muscle at anytime, as long as you are consistent. And us moms out there, need a break every now and then, so if you are feeling guilty, DON'T! You did the best you can... you needed to be sane. I have digested my guilt. Please don't feel guilty... move forward. Apply it now... It is never too late. 


We tend to distract babies with a toy or screen, to speed up the process. For example when changing their diapers, or changing their outfits. But this also trains babies to "not" pay attention. Whether it be, feeding, baths, changing them, these are not "boring" tasks for them. Babies are interested in everything that is part of their lives. They thrive on being included in each step of the way. When we teach children that they don't need to pay attention to activities they are involved in, how can we expect them to develop a proper attention span? A home environment where children are able to focus and be attentive can have a positive impact and can even prevent some attention deficit disorders. 

Focus is power. A long attention span is very important for creative, athletic and academic achievement. Attentive listeners make the best friends, spouses and parents.


The next time your eager to go hug your baby or play with him, or snap a photo of him... pay very close attention to what is he doing... and if he is in deep thought or in a trance of observing something, just observe and admire your baby. Wait till he is done.







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